September 19, 2024

Job Alerts

Play Games for Dollars – Jobs Change Your Ways of Thinking
Know the COVID-19 vaccine mandate policy of the job you are seeking. You have to face a different reality in job search and work environment. You may not agree with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate; therefore, use your own attributes and create your own job and your own work environment.

You must be prepared all the time. Have an updated and compatible résumé. Your résumé should be with the intent to get an interview, not a job offer. It is not meant to list every single course, skill or accomplishment you have. Remember, résumés get interviews, not jobs. You just never know when opportunity knocks. Know about the company and do not be shy in sharing your knowledge to the interviewers. Your references should be the contacts who would give good character references of you and those references are reachable by prospective employers instantly.

If you have been out of your field for awhile, brush up on your skills with free or low cost courses. If there is a job, you really want, you should try other job interviews before the main one. This will enhance your interview skills by the time you have the actual interview you want. You will learn from your mistakes and enhance your strength.

In addition, there is no shame in accepting a job that you feel that does not fit to your standard. Look at that job as a positive because you will get an additional experience, references, and training to add to your résumé.

Below is a list of job alerts. Job alerts has been updated .